On the weekend I spent the day with my sister at a corn maze to take engagement photos for her with all the pretty fall colours. It was a super chilly day, but it was so worth it to get the photos, and to get to play around in the corn maze.
The view standing on tower at the start of the maze to help you get your bearings.
The corn maze was actually a lot of fun and it was just challenging enough to keep us guessing. It was fun to take turns guessing which path to take and to joke with other people in the maze that, going through beaten down paths in the corn was in fact "utilizing a resource", and certainly not "cheating".
I was also way too excited for the petting zoo. I really do think in another life I must have had a whole farm or something cause I absolutely love to go and visit farm animals any chance I get. I'm actually not even totally certain I won't have farm animals in this life time.
Firstly we got to visit a pure white Llama who was quite a joker and would turn and face his butt to anyone who was standing by his pen for long enough in his opinion.
Next we saw some adorable and very friendly baby goats who let us pet them and hang out with them for a while. They were amazingly soft and this one had the most incredible bright blue eyes!
Next we finally got to visit with the sheep! Which are probably my favourite animal in the entire world, and not just because they keep me warm with soft fuzzy wools. They had about five baby sheep in the pen and they were all really friendly and sweet. It was nice to get to sit with them and pet them. It was surprisingly difficult to leave the little sheep and I only half jokingly told my sister we were going to have to pull around the car 'cause I was taking one home.
Lastly we went through their massive steel building that was entirely filled with pumpkins on bails of hay and lit with all kinds of pretty white lights. We managed to leave with only a few pumpkins each which I think was an exercise in restraint for us as they had so many different ones! It was nice to pick out pumpkins that were grown and picked right there as well. It was also really nice to get to pick something out and take it home, even if it couldn't have been a sheep.
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